Visit from Norway
On June 23, 2021, Vila K was visited by project partners from the college Høgskulen for Grøn Utvikling (The college for green development) from the Kingdom of Norway.
Representatives of the college seated in Bryne, Mr. Rhys Evans and - Mr. Johan Barstad came to the visit.
Dr. Rhys Evans is Associate Professor at the college and he will be focusing on rural development which integrates consumption of the rural environment, the historical and cultural legacy of rural places and people, and endogenous development which empowers rural residents in achieving the goals which they identify as important to them.
Mr. Johan Barstad is a social economist and social planner. He is the school's leading researcher. He deals with local and regional development, public finance and planning.
Representatives of the civic association Vila K together with the project manager Mr. Peter Oravec presented to the partners from the Kingdom of Norway the intention of the renewal and discussed the possibilities of future cooperation and workshops that the Norwegians would like to hold in our meetings.