The Kollmann Family House

Vila K is a significant architectural work of Slovak functionalism. In 1934, it was designed by architect Oskar Singer for Fritz and Etela Kollmann. The building is unique thanks to it`s aerodynamic design and is also a significant national cultural heritage monument.

Guided Tours

Come see it for yourself and reserve your spot for a tour of the villa. 

As a bonus for the tour, you'll receive a publication titled Vila K / History and Present of the Kollmann Family House in Nitra.                 ,


Renovation of Vila K

Our project "Adaptation of Vila K into a cultural center (acronym: VILA KULTURA)" is supported from the Financial mechanism of European economic area 2014 - 2021 and the State Budget of Slovak Republic. The grant allows us to carry out the monumental renovation of Vila K and its transformation into a cultural center with unique accomodation in the 1930`s style. For more information please see  EEA Grants.